A new kid on the block of live video streaming apps has an appropriate name,Blab. It’s similar but sufficiently different to others such as Persicope and Meerkat that I thought it worth investigating.
The biggest difference with Blab is that it actively encourages others to join in and share the limelight, a bit like Google hangouts but without the overly fussy set up and management. Four individuals can share screen time with typically one of the four being the host whilst any number of viewers can join in to watch the live event. The US users are quick to point the similarity in look to the classic TV show “The Brady Bunch” and its opening credits.
The success and take up of Periscope and Meerkat has been possible due to advances in mobile video streaming capability with better wifi and 4G access. Blab however has more of a “studio” feel. There are a greater number of professional and good amateur presenters using desktop access and higher quality cameras and microphones compared to the many Periscope users who are just streaming video by way of a variation on a tweet or Facebook post.
It is still early days for Blab, in fact it’s still in “Beta” mode but you can already see how this platform could revolutionise webinars. The site offers an opportunity for active participation from up to 4 panel members who could each be located on a different continent or just as easily be in the same room.
Viewers can log in to pre-publicised broadcasts at the allotted time and enable e-mail alerts to remind them when to watch. The video can also be saved and sent as a link via e-mail or placed on your website to be watched at a time to suit the viewer.
The interaction with twitter is far better via a desktop but if you are on the move and have a healthy connection it provides an excellent method of catching your favourite experts, podcaster or topic of interest. You can also broadcast your own Blab on the move but if you check out the better received content on the platform it tends to be generated from the desktop pc or laptop. The reason for this is the scope of information you can gather and use via the screen, helping with visitor interaction as they message you during a broadcast. Sounds a little manic and it can be but that’s all part of the charm of Blab.
Unsurprisingly the vast majority of users and participants are based in the US but the word is spreading and my guess is it won’t be long before brands and business advisors across the globe start to see the advantage of the format. There’s certainly no reason why you shouldn’t investigate the possibility of hosting your own “show” where you may participate with colleagues, peers or invited guests.
The screenshot of the Blab featured in the main picture used for this blog involves social media experts Heather Heuman (Sweet Tea Social) and Stephanie Nissen. They delivered a very informative session with guests taking their hot seat shown as the “call in” space to ask questions, it works very well indeed.
I would recommend having a look at Blab, click on a few shows, if feeling brave take part in a chat or if feeling even braver take a seat if there’s one spare.
Remember that you will need a webcam, yourself in view, good sound quality and hopefully a good background.
Smarter Blabbers introduce their Brands via signs or pictures placed behind them but in good sight, so those tuning in can be reminded who they’re watching.
I can see companies using Blab for internal training or conference calls with the private approved users only feature stopping others joining in. As a tool for a wider audience it can deliver key messages, seminars, promotions and consultations.
Go take a look at https://blab.im/ and let me know what you think, see if you agree that it could have genuine appeal for your business.