Q1. How do you keep a level of consistency in your message and retain engagement on a long-term basis? A. Be clear about your target audience and ensure your network includes a healthy proportion of those key individuals and organisations. Listen,
Social Media Management for Professional Firms – Part 2
Here is the 2nd part of my review of social media management for professional service businesses, derived from typical questions posed over the past few months. Q. How do you inject personality into a firm’s twitter account to encourage engagement? A.
How to Choose the Right Platform
Do you know which social media sites are the best for promoting your business? Have you launched marketing initiatives without considering the subtle and not so subtle differences between the platforms? As social media evolves respective sites take on varying
Friends, Randoms, Connected-men, The Truth Behind Online Relationships
A couple of years ago I wrote an article highlighting the fascinating work of anthropologist and psychologist Professor Robin Dunbar, supporting my view on hype surrounding the importance of the numbers of social media connections. Dunbar’s research into the social interaction
Time For a New Website?
There seems to be a flush of businesses updating websites driven by the ever increasing reality of digital dominance in marketing matters and fear that competitors are stealing a march. Before pressing the panic button and engaging that “oh so
The Power of Influence – Knowing Your Social Media Score
Prior to all things going digital and smartphones embedding themselves in our lives, we had a simpler more straightforward life. In the past your number of friends could be counted in birthday or Christmas cards or the entries in the
What Can You Do in 1 Second? Try a Boomerang
Facebook owned Instagram is capitalising on the massive popularity of GIFs through the introduction of a new App called Boomerang. Specifically designed for the smartphone Boomerang enables users to take a photo burst of 5 pictures that become looped as
Networking Events Notworking? 7 Tips to Make Better Use of Your Time
It’s a damp Wednesday morning and you’ve been asked to attend a “networking” event and presentation at the other side of town. It’s with a group of business people you’ve not met before. The thought doesn’t exactly fill you with
When Social Goes So Wrong – Reputation Management
One of the great benefits of social media is its instant connectivity and accessibility to so many individuals across the globe. This benefit however can become a distinct disadvantage when things are not all rosy in the social media garden.
Is Marketing Dead?
Headlines of a similar nature have been peppering business news feeds for a couple of years now. It’s a dramatic supposition. A management function that has breathed its last, passed on, is no more, has ceased to be, expired and