The keenly observant amongst you may well have noticed something different with i2i. After almost 15 years as a yellow brick it was time to say goodbye to the old logo and introduce a fresh, more dynamic look. Working with
Marketing – Is it really all about the 3 C’s – Content, Content, Content?
Pick up a copy of a business magazine, webinar, SEO whitepaper, workshop agenda or open one of those hundreds of marketing tip e-mails [not all such e-mails are the same of course 🙂 ] and the chances are you’ll not
Why You Should Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
Last week proved to be an example of what life can deliver if you just say “yes” rather than look at the diary and excuse yourself. Like many I have a busy schedule but as you know “busy” doesn’t always
Excellent Customer Service – Have You Got it Covered?
Having just returned from a trip to California I’m inspired to write about customer service. Not that we encountered the very best at every turn, yes it was mostly very good but my TripAdvisor reviews did include the odd horror.
Knowing the Price of Everything and Value of Nothing
Oscar Wilde’s famous quote from his only published novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, is one that intrigues me. It can have a number of subtle meanings but within the novel it is specifically relating to the bartering of an
The Generations Game
A short while ago I was asked to present at a Practice Management Conference to owners and senior managers of law firms in the UK. The brief for this event was to present on the challenge of engaging with younger
The Power of Personal Branding
Later this year our first born turns 20. Her generation has been the first to grow up in the “social” World we all now inhabit. Migrating from MSN messenger a brief flirtation with MySpace before Facebook appeared on the scene.
Marketing – It’s a Dirty Word
I still encounter those who see marketing as at best a necessary evil and at worst a practice of smoke and mirrors with no substance. This unwarranted prejudice is borne out of a lack of understanding of the core principles
Is It All Good With You? – Leadership & Self Confidence
Have you ever faced the dilemma of thinking how best to phrase the opening line of an e-mail? The trend appears to be for the “hope all’s good with you” or “hope this finds you well”. Nothing wrong with this,
Trick or Treat? The Importance of Effective Conflict Management
Won’t be long and the House of Laud’s doorbell will be getting its annual Halloween workout from the local sweet-toothed, short-person, and some not so short invasion squad. When did we start parading the pumpkin and craving candy? It’s yet
Have You Lost Your MOJO? 10 Tips to Re-Discover Your Confidence
A few years ago a client turned to me after a meeting and said he would hate to have my job. At the time and as you might expect this took me by surprise not least because the individual making
Think You’re a Thought Leader? Test that belief with 12 tips to thought leadership
“Thought Leadership” now there’s a two word phrase that has emerged through the social channels in the past couple of years. As with any trendy term the bandwagon soon becomes full and chased by those who think they know the
Making all the right noises – using social media to support your customer service
Have you ever found the need to offer up a tweet of desperation, or Facebook post of frustration when a company fails to deliver on its promise or has caused you a problem? I know I have. At the time
Life’s Journey – Don’t Find Yourself Asleep at the Wheel
Are you happy with your role? Content with the position you find yourself in at this point in time? Do you encounter many frustrations in your day to day work and find it difficult to manage them? If the answer
The Trouble with Twitter
Working as I do with professional firms I’m often asked or challenged on the true effectiveness of twitter and other social media platforms. For the purpose of this blog I’ll focus on twitter as it is the most frequently quoted