Pick up a copy of a business magazine, webinar, SEO whitepaper, workshop agenda or open one of those hundreds of marketing tip e-mails [not all such e-mails are the same of course 🙂 ] and the chances are you’ll not
We all want to be Norm – 10 Tips to Build Stronger Customer Relationships
Back in the early 1980’s a US sit com hit our screens and almost immediately became a hit. Centred on a small bar in Boston the show introduced us to a series of characters who were the regulars and staff
Growth Accelerator – A Practical Approach to Improved Performance
We all need a virtual or actual boost in our businesses now and again. It’s too easy to become complacent, comfortable or afraid of making any changes that might make things “different”. What many successful businesses do is harness a
Ice Bucket List – Why the ALS Charity Challenge Works
Unless you’ve been tucked away on a desert island without internet, TV, phone or radio you can’t help to have been exposed to a never ending parade of people posting short videos of self-emersion in cold water. The #icebucketchallenge (don’t
Knowing the Price of Everything and Value of Nothing
Oscar Wilde’s famous quote from his only published novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, is one that intrigues me. It can have a number of subtle meanings but within the novel it is specifically relating to the bartering of an
The Generations Game
A short while ago I was asked to present at a Practice Management Conference to owners and senior managers of law firms in the UK. The brief for this event was to present on the challenge of engaging with younger
Putting the “Social” Back into Social Media Marketing
Have you noticed it’s getting harder to generate meaningful responses and take part in active “real time” conversations on social media platforms? I have and I know many others who experience the same issue which is why I think we
Spinning Plates, Juggling Balls & Shot Selection – How to Create an Effective Marketing Strategy
Devising a successful marketing plan hasn’t always been easy but your options were pretty straightforward. Depending on budget and market your choices were clear and experience along with a good creative agency would go a long way to delivering results.
Marketing – It’s a Dirty Word
I still encounter those who see marketing as at best a necessary evil and at worst a practice of smoke and mirrors with no substance. This unwarranted prejudice is borne out of a lack of understanding of the core principles
The Italian Job – Stealing Time for Rest and Relaxation
It’s been quite a year, busy with plenty of work, close encounter with reality TV, first appearance on Radio 4, 20 year wedding anniversary, surgery and first child in University. Blink and 2013 seems to be almost over so time
The Trouble with Twitter
Working as I do with professional firms I’m often asked or challenged on the true effectiveness of twitter and other social media platforms. For the purpose of this blog I’ll focus on twitter as it is the most frequently quoted
Read All About It! – The Effective Way to Keep in Touch With Your Customers
We all know it’s logical to keep in regular contact with our customers; it’s so much easier to cross sell services and products to an existing customer than generate a new one and sell to them, but how many of
Virtual vs Reality – the role of offline marketing
Perhaps it’s the natural born geek in me connected to the genuine interest in new marketing mediums but I’ve blogged a lot about online activity, time to consider matters offline. What do I mean by “offline”? Well literally anything