Facebook owned Instagram is capitalising on the massive popularity of GIFs through the introduction of a new App called Boomerang. Specifically designed for the smartphone Boomerang enables users to take a photo burst of 5 pictures that become looped as
Absolutely Blab-ulous! – Why the Business World is Tuning in to Blab
A new kid on the block of live video streaming apps has an appropriate name,Blab. It’s similar but sufficiently different to others such as Persicope and Meerkat that I thought it worth investigating. The biggest difference with Blab is that it
Is Marketing Dead?
Headlines of a similar nature have been peppering business news feeds for a couple of years now. It’s a dramatic supposition. A management function that has breathed its last, passed on, is no more, has ceased to be, expired and
Marketing – Is it really all about the 3 C’s – Content, Content, Content?
Pick up a copy of a business magazine, webinar, SEO whitepaper, workshop agenda or open one of those hundreds of marketing tip e-mails [not all such e-mails are the same of course 🙂 ] and the chances are you’ll not
Putting Theory Into Practice – Can Social Media Generate Business?
Consultants, coaches, business advisers and circuit speakers can frequently fall into a trap when handing out advice as they touch on subjects that they’ve lost touch with. In the current cauldron of technological innovation and digital dependence that’s not all
Ice Bucket List – Why the ALS Charity Challenge Works
Unless you’ve been tucked away on a desert island without internet, TV, phone or radio you can’t help to have been exposed to a never ending parade of people posting short videos of self-emersion in cold water. The #icebucketchallenge (don’t
New “Face” lift for Twitter
The dust is starting to settle after the initial rather mixed response to the Face “book” lift applied to twitter accounts. You get a rather gentle prod by the platform to decide if you really do want to give it
The Power of Personal Branding
Later this year our first born turns 20. Her generation has been the first to grow up in the “social” World we all now inhabit. Migrating from MSN messenger a brief flirtation with MySpace before Facebook appeared on the scene.
Putting the “Social” Back into Social Media Marketing
Have you noticed it’s getting harder to generate meaningful responses and take part in active “real time” conversations on social media platforms? I have and I know many others who experience the same issue which is why I think we
Think You’re a Thought Leader? Test that belief with 12 tips to thought leadership
“Thought Leadership” now there’s a two word phrase that has emerged through the social channels in the past couple of years. As with any trendy term the bandwagon soon becomes full and chased by those who think they know the
Small Screen Invasion of the Social Media Minors
How many of us sit down on an evening to watch TV and look around to see children or partners face down in their smartphone, tablet or laptop? Not an uncommon experience these days but what is it doing to
Teenagers, Smartphones, Relationships & Privacy – David Laud on Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour
i2i’s Managing Partner, David Laud, recently contributed to a discussion on Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour concerning the increased use of technology in the home and its impact on family privacy. Click the link below to hear the clip http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01b9r54 This
The Trouble with Twitter
Working as I do with professional firms I’m often asked or challenged on the true effectiveness of twitter and other social media platforms. For the purpose of this blog I’ll focus on twitter as it is the most frequently quoted
A Question of Quality, Quantity, Quill-pushers, Quarrels and Quakes
Managing a Law Firm in Uncertain Times My year has so far been a flurry of activity – clients seeking new initiatives to stave off the competition and the search for a bright torch to show the path through the
Read All About It! – The Effective Way to Keep in Touch With Your Customers
We all know it’s logical to keep in regular contact with our customers; it’s so much easier to cross sell services and products to an existing customer than generate a new one and sell to them, but how many of