I still encounter those who see marketing as at best a necessary evil and at worst a practice of smoke and mirrors with no substance. This unwarranted prejudice is borne out of a lack of understanding of the core principles
Think You’re a Thought Leader? Test that belief with 12 tips to thought leadership
“Thought Leadership” now there’s a two word phrase that has emerged through the social channels in the past couple of years. As with any trendy term the bandwagon soon becomes full and chased by those who think they know the
How Many Social Media “Experts” Does It Take To Turn On A Lightbulb?
We’re all under pressure for one reason or another. This ever developing technology has not delivered its promise of greater leisure time and standards of living; well not for most of us anyway. Instead we’re expected to task like a
Stop Wasting Time and Start Acting Like a Child
When most of my fellow Generation X’s first set out on their careers I doubt many would have guessed accurately how their lives would pan out or how challenging it would be to be a success in their chosen field.
Take the Screen Test to See if You’re Addicted to Apps
Does this sound familiar? You settle down to relax after a days work, the TV is as usual on and turning out the usual “reality” fest of low grade entertainment. Out of courtesy you check what your partner/family/ friends would
Virtual vs Reality – the role of offline marketing
Perhaps it’s the natural born geek in me connected to the genuine interest in new marketing mediums but I’ve blogged a lot about online activity, time to consider matters offline. What do I mean by “offline”? Well literally anything
Social Media – Are You Feeling the Love?
You’ve followed the advice, created the accounts, sent out the messages, uploaded the links, shared photos and pointed followers and friends to your blog and even taken the time to comment regularly on topical business matters on Linkedin. So why