In recent weeks I’ve talked to many business owners, partners, directors and mangers to try and gauge their confidence within their company and chosen sectors. This has been a fascinating exercise which highlighted a number of interesting issues and quite
When 1 + 1 = 0 or The Trouble With Mergers
The state of our economy can create a number of responses from the corporate world. An increase in the number of companies in administration, change of strategic direction, the board retains a fixed course with no change or they actively
How Many Social Media “Experts” Does It Take To Turn On A Lightbulb?
We’re all under pressure for one reason or another. This ever developing technology has not delivered its promise of greater leisure time and standards of living; well not for most of us anyway. Instead we’re expected to task like a
Real-Time Re-election and Re-tweets
As Barack Obama appeared through the huge curtains at the Chicago Convention Centre his smile said it all, the crowd nevertheless said it for him, over and over again, a little like a re-tweet, “four more years, four more years….”.
How to be Smarter with your Smartphone
Smartphone sales indicate that we’re now far more likely to have one of these technological marvels than not. Be it an iphone, HTC, Samsung, Google or other wannabe market leader they all offer a range of tools that take us
Presentation Perfect – 10 top tips to give your presentation impact
Perhaps there’s something in the air or just a natural increase in demand for public speakers but I appear to be getting more requests to make presentations than I can ever remember. Flattering as it is to receive the invitations