Devising a successful marketing plan hasn’t always been easy but your options were pretty straightforward. Depending on budget and market your choices were clear and experience along with a good creative agency would go a long way to delivering results.
Think You’re a Thought Leader? Test that belief with 12 tips to thought leadership
“Thought Leadership” now there’s a two word phrase that has emerged through the social channels in the past couple of years. As with any trendy term the bandwagon soon becomes full and chased by those who think they know the
The Trouble with Twitter

Working as I do with professional firms I’m often asked or challenged on the true effectiveness of twitter and other social media platforms. For the purpose of this blog I’ll focus on twitter as it is the most frequently quoted
A Question of Quality, Quantity, Quill-pushers, Quarrels and Quakes
Managing a Law Firm in Uncertain Times My year has so far been a flurry of activity – clients seeking new initiatives to stave off the competition and the search for a bright torch to show the path through the
Read All About It! – The Effective Way to Keep in Touch With Your Customers
We all know it’s logical to keep in regular contact with our customers; it’s so much easier to cross sell services and products to an existing customer than generate a new one and sell to them, but how many of
Location, Location, Location
We all know the old estate agent adage that demands we put location above all else to get best value for your bricks and mortar. That also holds true for some of the fastest growing trends in social media. Our